Faculty Of Management



Faculty of Management (FoM)

The Faculty of Management (FoM) has its ultimate goal of educating students for professional pursuits in business, industry, government and society. It is further dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and understanding of business and public administration. In this pursuit, FoM aims to develop networking with management institutes in the country and abroad to exchange new knowledge, technology and methods of higher level efficiency in management of business and public entities. It also aims continuously to innovate and promote cost effective, socially relevant, modern technology-based management educational Programmes in Nepal for skills, interest and values which all are important considerations for management.



The FoM offers various programs like Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance (BBA-F), Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM), Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM), Bachelor of Information Management (BIM), Bachelor of Business Management (BBM), Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA), Master of Adventure Tourism Studies (MATS), Post Graduate Diploma in Police Science (PGDPS), Master of Business Studies (MBS), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM), Master of Hospitality Management (MHM), Master of Business Management (MBM), Master of Police Science (MPS), Master of Finance and Control (MFC) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) Programmes . The FoM also offers doctoral Programmes in management leading to a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)


Each academic Programmes in operation under FoM, has its own specific goals. These are as follows:

  • To prepare middle and top level professional managers capable of handling business in dynamic global environment,
  • To produce socially responsible and creative entrepreneurs capable of promoting business and industry for the socio-economic development of Nepal,
  • To conduct research and management development Programmes for enhancing the knowledge and skill base of academics and practicing managers,
  • To innovate and promote management Programmes catering to the various social and economic sectors of Nepal,
  • To establish linkages with leading universities and management institutes abroad and collaborate with them in Programmes development and implementation, and
  • To develop managers for public sector with competency in public policy management and governance.

Faculty Board (FB)

As an academic entity FoM has a Faculty Board (FB) of its own. Faculty Board of FoM is entrusted with the tasks of designing, enhancing and approving different academic Programmes as per society's needs. Besides, FB is actively involved in devising modalities of teaching/learning and research activities in campuses under the Faculty. At present, FB consists of 30 members including the chairperson and member secretary. The Standing Committee of the Faculty Board has also been designed to act regularly and deal with routine issues as and when required. Faculty board is responsible for ensuring that teaching within the appropriate and of a high standard.

Subject Committees

To look into the academic matters and activities regularly in terms of developing and updating curriculum as per the needs, there are ten Subject Committees with their defined areas. The subject committees are also involved in organizing seminars and workshops to disseminate new ideas, knowledge and pedagogies in order to make teaching learning activities meaningful. The following are the subject committees in operation under the Faculty of Management:-

  1. General Management
  2. Marketing Management
  3. Finance
  4. Accountancy
  5. Management Science
  6. Sectoral Management
  1. Business Economics
  2. Business Administration
  3. Public Administration
  4. Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management

Research Committee

Research Committee (RC) members are expected to carry out the relevant policies for research work. Research Committee encourages, promote and coordinate research activities for quality education. To conduct research activities in the areas of management and public administration and thereupon contribute for research-based teaching/learning process and enhance the quality of education, Research Committee has been functional under the Faculty of Management. The research committee comprises of ten members including the chairperson and the member secretary.

International Relations

FoM has a rich history of Exchange Programmes and collaborative arrangements with leading industrial and business houses, management institutions, professional associations, and Universities around the world.

FoM is a permanent member of Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) and involved in collaborative efforts regularly.The Faculty has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen (UoB), Norway and working towards national, regional and international cooperation in public affairs management and research alike.In line with maintaining academic and professional link, the Faculty is sponsoring two candidates each year to participate in Programmes for the Development of Management Faculties (PDMF) of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad (IIMA). Corollary to the above, FoM is also sponsoring candidates to participate in national and international seminars and similar other academic events, regularly.Inviting scholars and professors from SAARC region for guest lecturers and conduction of Viva-voce examination of Ph.D. candidates thereupon strengthening the bondage of relationships with academics from reputed universities has also been a regular phenomenon of the faculty.To meet the requirements of the human resource market, FoM has completed the revision on semester system of the existing master level curriculum of MBS, MHM, MTTM and MPA and duly implemented from 2018. Similarly the curriculum of BBA, BIM, BBM and BPA Bachelor level Programmes are in the process of revision for the implementation from 2021. The curriculam of BBS programme has been revised and implemented from 2019. In addition, to enhance the competency of faculty members FoM is regularly involved in the following Programmes, as well.

  1. Regular interaction Programmes amongst and between the faculties and the corporate world
  • Mini research Programmes, Case writing and administrating workshops
  • Orientation Programmes to faculties on pedagogies and related teaching/learning activities

Future Programmes

    • Monitoring continuously the effectiveness of ongoing Programmes
    • Evaluating the emerging needs of corporate world and the society at large, and developing accordingly the socially relevant academic courses/Programmes
    • Orientation of Bachelor level Programmes for the Faculties in all provinces.
    • Development of new courses according to the nees and demand of the Market.

Programmes of FoM

The faculty runs both general as well as professional academic Programmes. The Programmes offered by the faculty are as follows:

  • Bachelor’s Level
  • Post Graduate Diploma Level
  • Master’s Level
  • M. Phil.
  • Ph.D.

New Degree established

  • MPS (Masters of Police Science)
  • Professional MBA (Masters of Business Administration)
  • MBA-IT (Masters of Business Administration in Information Technology)
  • MBA-HCM (Masters of Business Administration in Health Care Management)
  • MATS (Master of Adventure Tourism Studies)
  • MBA-Finance (Master of Business Administration in Finance)
  • MBA-Marketing (Master of Business Administration in Marketing)
  • MBA-Corporate Leadership (Master of Business Administration in Corporate Leadership)
  • PGD-Corporate Management (Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Management)

Bachelor’s Programmes under Annual System

    • Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)

Areas of Specialization:

  • General Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Finance
  • Accountancy
  • Management Science

Bachelor’s Programmes under Semester System

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance (BBA-F)
  • Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
  • Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM)
  • Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)
  • Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
  • Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)
  • Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies (BMS)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Police Sciences (PGDPS)

Areas of Specialization:

  • Banking and Finance
  • Industrial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Travel and Tourism Management
  • Management Information System

Masters’ Programmes under Semester System

    • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    • Master of Business Administration in Finance (MBA-F) - (New Program)
    • Master of Business Administration in Marketing (MBA-Marketing)
    • Master of Business Administration in Information Technology (MBA-IT)
    • Master of Business Administration in Corporate Leadership (MBA- Corporate Leadership)
    • Master of Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM)
    • Master of Hospitality Management (MHM)
    • Master of finance Control (MFC)
    • Master of Business Management (MBM)
    • MBA in Global Leadership Development (MBA-GLM)
    • Master of Business Studies (MBS)
    • Master of Adventure Tourism Studies (MATS)
    • Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • Master of Police Science (MPS)

Areas of Specialization:

  • General Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Finance
  • Accountancy
  • Management Science

Master of Public Administration (MPA) Areas of Specialization:

  • Development Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Local Governance and Development
  • Civil Society Governance
  • Public Policy

Master of Philosophy in Management (M. Phil.) Areas of Specialization:

  • Management
  • Finance
  • Accountancy
  • Marketing

M. Phil in Public Administration Areas of Specialization:

  • Public Policy
  • Human Resource Management
  • Local Governance and NGO Management

Ph. D Program in Management and Public Administration

  • Enlarging relations internationally to get access to innovative Programmes and supports therein.


Prof. Dilli Raj Sharma, Ph.D.


Faculty of Management, TU Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: 977-01-4330818, 977-01-4332718

E-mail: info@fom.tu.edu.np, fomdean@gmail.com, exam.mgmt.tu@gmail.com

Website: www.fomecd.edu.np & www.tudoms.org