Faculty of Education (FOE) was established as the College of Education in 1956before the establishment of its mother institution, Tribhuvan University (TU) in 1959 in order toinstitutionalise teacher education programmesin Nepal. It is the largest faculty of TU in terms of the number of students and the number of affiliated campuses. With 26 constituent campuses and 590 affiliated colleges throughout the country, FOE has the biggest network of teacher education in the country.Since its establishment, FoE has been contributing to the nation by producing and supplying all kinds of human resources needed for educational sector of the country. It has offered diverse educational programmes in a wider range of subject areas including social studies, science and information and communication technology education (ICT) education.
Faculty of Education (FOE) currently offers educational programs in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education. Bachelors and Masters programmes are blended with the academic contents and professional courses. But these programmes have placed more emphasis on theory-oriented academic courses than professional skills. In the emerging context, FOE is committed to reinvigorating the quality of the teacher education programmes by blending the strong theoretical foundations with the sound pedagogical professional competence that include engaging and interactive pedagogy, instructional planning, material development, classroom management and evaluation. Practice Teaching/Practicum, being the most important feature of a teacher education programme, needs to be made rigorous to ensure pedagogical competence among the graduates.
Faculty of Education envisions thepromotion of quality education across the country through the preparation of highly qualified teachers.
The mission of Faculty of Education is to provide leadership to teacher education and professional development in the country by developing itself as a center of excellence for teacher education and training, educational studies, research and innovation.
The goal of FOE is to produce trained teachers, teacher educators, and educational researchers for the country. It also aims at producing educational planners and managers, curriculum designers and human resources needed for the educational sector of the country through its different programmes. FOE aims at achieving the following objectives:
Organizational Structure
The Dean’s office of the FOE is located at Balkhu, Kathmandu. The faculty is headed by the Dean and assisted by Assistant Deans and Faculty Board. The organizational structure of the FOE is shown in the diagram below:
Graduate School of Education |
Examination Division |
Admin/Finance Section |
Research Committees |
Faculty Board |
Subject Committees |
Affiliated Campuses |
Constituent Campuses |
Central Department |
Assistant Deans |
Assistant Deans |
Dean |
Academic and Professional Programmes
The FoE offers the following academic as well as professional programmes:
M.Phil./PhD Programme
The Ph.D. programme in education was initiated in 1996 with a view to preparing high level academics and researchers in the field of education. Sixty-four Ph.D. scholars have successfully completed dissertation and Ph. D. degree has been conferred to them by the university. Currently, 196 Ph.D. candidates are pursuing their Ph.D. research works in different subjects of educational study such as English, Nepali, Health, Mathematics, Science Education, Curriculum, Educational Planning, Special Needs, social and educational studies. Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Education with specialization in Education Studies, Mathematics Education, English Education, Nepali Education, Social Studies, and Health Education is also being offered for students who are interested in education research. M.Phil. leading to PhD program was started in 2017 to integrate courses of M.Phil. into PhD programme. This integrated programme is designed with a view to providing an opportunity for M.Phil. students to go for PhD programme after successful completion of M.Phil. courses.
New Programmes
The FOE also plans, develops and implements new courses and programmes by mobilizing its own resources as well collaborating with national and international agencies. M.Ed. in ICT is the new program that has been running in the Central Department of Education, Kirtipur and Sanothimi Camps since 2024/015. Likewise, M. Ed. in Special Needs Education has been introduced in the Central Department of Education in collaboration with Changwon National University, South Korea. Special Needs Education has been conducted as a minor subject at B.Ed. Level in Sanothimi Campus.
FoE has also implemented three-semester M.Ed. in science education and PG Diploma in social studies in MahendraRatna Campus of Tribhuvan University as Teacher PrepartionProgramme (TPP). This TPP program in science education social studies was designed and implemented through Open and Distance Learning (ODL)/online mode in collaboration with JAMK University of Applied Sciences and HAMK University of Applied Sciences with financial assistances of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Final Government.
FoE is implementing another new programme, six-semester Master of Social Studies Education (MSSEd) Programme in Central Department of Education through the blended mode (Face to face and online) with its own resources in 2021. MSSEdis an interdisciplinary course that integrates contents of the history, geography, political science, economic and cross-cutting areas social sciences with classroom pedagogy. The new MSSEd Program is designed to prepare pre-service teachers (students) with sound knowledge and skills for teaching social studies in school from grade 8-12. Candidates having educational qualification of Bachelor of Education in any discipline from Tribhuvan University, and its recognized educational institutions can apply for admission to this program.
There is an agreement between the Faculty of Education and Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway to implement the Project Building Inclusive Education Programme in Nepal(BIEPN) with a grant of NORHED II, Norway in August 2021. This project is being implemented in cooperation with Oslo Metropolitan University, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway, and Mid-Western University of Nepal. The overarching goal of the project is the establishment of a robust teaching and research group on Special Needs/inclusive education at the Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University. It is also expected that capacity of faculties in inclusive education will be enhanced and the number of faculties and students holding PhD in this field will be increased by the establishing an MPhil /PhD programme in inclusive education/special needs education, and through the faculty and student exchange (One semester) stays at Inland Norway University and OSLOMet University for five PhD scholarship students and minimum two, teaching and supervision staff at the Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University, and/or participation by students and staff at the summer school in Oslo, organized by University of Oslo. The collaborative project will contribute to the creation of SNE department based an e-Library to make teaching and learning resources accessible to students and teachers, and setting up of two resource centres at the concerned two departments, one at the Special Needs Education Department,Kirtipur and one at the Sanothimi campus, for hands-on experience to faculties and students.
FoE of Tribhuvan University is developing the new courses on digital pedagogy in collaboration with ODEC of Tribhuvan University, Nepal Open University, JAMK University of Applied Sciences and HAMK University of Applied Sciences with financial assistances of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Final Government. The new course intends to prepare and train novice as well as old teachers of Tribhuvan University and other universities of Nepal in integration of ICT and digital pedagogy in higher education of Nepal. Goal of the programme is to equip teaching faculties of the universities with 21st century pedagogy focusing on digital pedagogy.
There is a formal agreement (MoU) between Faculty of Education of Tribhuvan University and UNESCO-ICHEI (International Center for Higher Education and Innovation), China for enhancing capacity of Teachers in integration of ICT in higher education teaching and learning through short-term training and ICT infrastructure development. In the first phase of the project, UNESCO-ICHEI will provide equipment, technology and technical supports to the FOE to establish a Smart Classroom in the Central Department of Education. They will also provide short-term training to teaching faculties about how to run smart classroom effectively in teaching and learning process with the integration of ICT. It also provides opportunities for teaching faculties to participate in ICT related online courses/teacher professional development courses.
Since November 2019 FoE has been implementing the equitable access to higher education students with disabilities and students from marginalized groups in Nepal (EATHEN) Project in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), Nepal Open University (NOU), JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Masaryk University, Czech Republic; Alma Mater StudiorumUniversità di Bologna UNIBO, Italy with financial supports from ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Project. The main goal of EATHEN-project is to enhance inclusive management practices and access for people with disabilities (PwD) and from marginalized groups and regions (MG) in Nepal to higher education. This also enhances implementation of the inclusive policies and strategies of MoEST in Nepal. Project activities have been implemented by FoE Dean’s Office, Kathmandu, Prithvi Naryayan Campus, Pokhara and Dhankuta Multiple Campus, Dhankuta. Assistive devices, equipment and other supports will be provided to students with disabilities as well as students from marginalized communities. Training provided to teachers and staffs gives them abilities to work with disabled students and students from marginal groups.
The candidates who wish to get admission in the Faculty of Education must sit for the entrance examination for Master’s and M.Phil. programmes. Admission to the four-year B.Ed. programme is open to all who have completed their grade 12/ Higher Secondary education degree or equivalent degreePG Diploma in Education in social studies subjects is open to those having a Bachelor’s degree in social sciences and other relevant subjects.
The M.Ed. Programme is open to all who have completed their B.Ed. in the area of specialization they want to get admission. M.Phil. Programmes is open to all but the graduates from non- education background have to take 4 credit-hours more than M.Ed. graduates.Those people with an M.Phil. Degree are eligible for the Ph.D. programme.
The evaluation policy is different across the programmes. For B.Ed., students have to sit for the final exams conducted by the Controller of Examinations. Considering the nature of subjects, they also take practical exams. For the M.Ed. programme, students are evaluated through internal (40%) and external exams (60%). While subject teachers are responsible for internal evaluation, the Dean’s Office conducts the external exams. The M.Phil. candidates are evaluated by their subject teachers through internal exams (60%) and by the Dean’s Office through the end-of- semester exams. All M.Phil. and PhD candidates should carry out an independent research and defend their dissertation for the degree.
The FoE conducts both small- and large-scale research studies in areas of education in collaboration with both national and international agencies. It encourages its faculty members by providing research grants to carry out mini research studies on various issues of education.FoE has been implementing a collaborative research project titled "Inclusive education in Nepal: A study of network governance in selected municipalities". This is national level study in the field of inclusive education funded by the Norwegian Research Council and implemented collaboratively by partners in Nepal (Faculty of Education Dean's Office, TU; Central Department of Sociology, TU; and, Social and Academic Innovations, SAIPL), Norway (Oslo Metropolitan University and University of South Eastern Norway) and UK (University College London Institute of Education). The research includes survey and qualitative field work components related to the status of inclusion in education (including inclusive education) in selected municipalities and schools. The project will produce new knowledge on how political and administrative leaders, development partners, schools, communities, civil society, parents and pupils work together to manage and deliver inclusive education within existing network and education systems of Nepal. The FoE publishes Educational Quarterly, a peer reviewed journal.
The FoE has been awarded with the research grant by Research Directorate of Tribhuvan University for conducting research in the National Priority Area in March 2022. With the research grant, FoEis conducting research title Teacher Education Policies and Programs in Nepal: Assessing Existing Practices and Exploring Opportunitiesin collaboration with CERID and Open and Distance Education Center (ODEC) of TU. Objectives of the research are to assess the existing situation of teacher education programs of TU and other Universities of Nepal, and explore the opportunities for re-orienting and enhancing teacher education program to address the country's needs and expectations of quality teachers for quality (school) education. This study will be conducted through the mixed method research approach within a theoretical framework of CIPP (context, inputs, process and product) model.
Existing mass friendly teacher education programmes need to be shifted to be selective, systematic and standards considering professional standard, supply and demand in the country so that most competent students can be attracted towards teacher education programme. The need of the hour is transformative teacher education programmes which can only promote quality of education at all levels of education. FoE must make programmatic changes and include new courses to better prepare and equip their graduates with pedagogical competencies and 21st century skills. There should be intensive teaching-internship programme at the end of programme in order to create opportunity for students to apply and reflect knowledge and skills learned from campus in school classroom and gain practical experiences. FOE is moving in that direction with the additional focus on professional teacher educationprogrammes in collaboration with the government and non-government organizations.
Faculty of Education
Phone (Office): 977-014331196
Website: www.tufoe.edu.np