Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS) established as Institute of Nepal and Asian Studies in 1972 and converted into CNAS in 1977, is one of the four research centers of Tribhuvan University. It is  dedicated for research activity in the area of humanities and social sciences. It is located in the North West side of the university premises with its three storied building with 40 office rooms, two large and middle-sized seminar halls, a small meeting hall, a library cum documentation center and a computer library equipped with dozens of desktop computers with an internet connection including printing and photocopying facilities. The center operates under the leadership of Executive Director, who is both academic and administrative head with number of researchers from History, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Rural Development, Nepali, English and Culture etc. including administrative and accounting staff.

The major objectives of the center are to: plan and conduct research on the problems of national integration and the impact of modernization; promote and undertake studies on current development issues, ethnic diversities, tradition, and change in political values, and cultural studies of Nepal and other Asian countries; undertake issue-specific research on environment studies, gender studies, population studies, and migration studies, applied linguistic and socio-linguistic studies; encourage academic exchanges with other research organizations both within and outside Nepal; act as a venue for contact, affiliation, and coordination of research activities of Nepalese and foreign scholars working on Nepalese studies; maintain a comprehensive bibliographic database of Nepal and SAARC and South Asia; organize national as well as international seminars on current political and security issues; and disseminate research works on Nepal through publications.

This center has been publishing a numbers of research reports, books and international journal (Contribution to Nepalese Studies, ISSN 0376-7574) from its establishment in the areas of history, culture, linguistic, religion, politics and other diverse areas. Currently, the center has been carrying out numbers of faculty researches by the researchers within the center as well as collaborative researches with universities abroad in the field of history, politics, social and cultural change, education, folklore etc. A collaborative research between CNAS and Ministry for Youth and Sports on 'Feasibility Study of Sports University in Nepal' is ongoing. In addition, the center provides four mini-research fellowships every year to the full-time faculty members of Tribhuvan University, as well as one scholarship for PhD scholar associated with the faculty of humanities and social sciences in the area of international relations, social work, literature, society and culture. Furthermore, numbers of international researchers have been affiliated with this center in different field of research.

The center has international affiliation with National Centre for Scientific Research, France; Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan; Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University, UK; The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK, The School for International Training, Vermont, USA; Nityananda Institute, Oregon, USA; Center for International exchange and Cooperation, Andong National University, South Korea etc. This center is an institutional member of UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management.

Mr. Mrigendra Bahadur Karki, PhD

Executive  Director
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O. Box 3757 
Tel : 977-1-4332078 /977-1-4331740/   
Fax: 977-1-4331184
E-mail: director@cnas.tu.edu.np
Website: www.cnastu.edu.np