The 6th International ELT and Applied Linguistics Conference April 20-21, 2024
2024-02-21 / 2024-03-13T23:59:00
Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur
Tribhuvan University
Call for Abstracts
Department of English Education
Tribhuvan University,Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
The 6th International ELT and Applied Linguistics Conference
April 20-21, 2024
Theme: Transformation in English Language Education: Innovations, Collaboration and Motivation
Venue: Department of Education, Tribhuvan University,Kirtipur
Date: 20-21April, 2024(Baisakh 8-9, 2081B.S.)
Proposal submission deadline: 15 March, 2024
Notification (Acceptance/Rejection): 15-20 March, 2024
We are delighted to announce the call for abstracts for the 6th International ELT and Applied Linguistics Conference.The theme of the conference is Transformation in English Language Education: Innovations, Collaboration and Motivation.This theme sparks the transformative approaches in the fields of ELT and Applied Linguistics. Transformation is made possible only through innovations in the use of approaches, techniques, activities and resources/materials required in teaching, learning and assessment. The collaboration between researchers and practitioners is crucial for fostering innovation and change in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) and applied linguistics.The collaborative efforts of the scholars and practitioners are the always expected for the innovation and transformation in the fields of ELT and applied linguistics. The innovative approaches, collaborative actions and transformative spirit are the sources of motivation for both the teachers and the students. We know that challenges await us in every minute and we should keep ourselves ready to address them through collaborate efforts. The theme of the conference clearly sets the call for innovation, collaboration and motivation for the purpose of transformation. Considering the wider impact of the theme being discussed in the upcoming conference for bringing phenomenal change in the practices of teachers, students, communities (including communities of professionals and researchers) and institutions, we cordially invite the abstracts from ELT practitioners, researchers, English teachers, students, applied linguists and policymakershome and abroad. The cascading of knowledge, pedagogies, technologies and ideologies together with the spirit of transformation will definitely work for reshaping the practices that we keep ourselves longing for. Tuning with the theme and sub-themes of the conference, we have set the following purposes which will help the potential presenters to frame their abstracts.
- Bring the diverse local and global pedagogical practices in a single forum with a mega gathering of the English language teachers and practitioners from home and abroad.
- Explore the potentialities and possibilities for teaching English in diverse socio-cultural and geo-political contexts.
- Enhance the scholarly practices of English language teaching incorporating the media and materials.
- Create a good platform for sharing the recent trends and methods of English language teaching from the novice and the expert practitioners of English.
- Continue the legacy of the Department in showcasing innovations, collaboration and motivation for the transformation of ELT pedagogies and practices
- Establish the Department of English Education, TU, Kirtipur as a hub for academic excellence.
- Provide a wide range of exposure for the professional development of the prospective teachers and language educators through variegated keynotes, plenaries, panels, sessions and informal discussions.
- Promote the issue-based discussions in ELT and Applied Linguistics to cater more opportunities for research and publication
- Reflect upon the issues of ELT and Applied Linguistics so as to explore more opportunities for research.
- Develop a sense of academic culture via mutual exchange of ideas and experiences, co-operation, academic caring and culture of inquiry for the collective voice of learning to teach.
Sub Themes
- ELT policies, pedagogies and practices
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
- Teacher/learner autonomy
- Teacher identities, cognitions and beliefs
- Teacher learning and narratives
- Teacher/learner motivation&agency
- Social justice in ELT
- Language planning and policy
- Critical pedagogy
- Ideologies in ELT
- English as a medium of instruction
- Translanguaging
- Bilingual and multilingual education
- Critical literacy and pedagogy in language classroom
- Assessment for change
- Language teacher education and professional development
- Technology and language teaching and learning
- Emergency remote teaching/teaching English during pandemic
- Mother tongue based multilingual education (MTBMLE)
- World Englishes/language varieties
- Literature and language teaching
- Linguistic landscapes
- Learning strategies
- English Teacher Professional development
- Mid-career teacher development
- Disabilities and the language learner
- Critical discourse analysis
- Teaching and testing
- Critical thinking in English language teaching
- Intercultural approach to teaching English
- Learner diversity in EFL classroom
- Indigenous resources in teaching English
- Reflective practices in ELT
- Blending research in classroom learning
- Creative writing and assessment in ELT
- Feedback in teaching, testing and assessment
- Blended ELT: Prospects and promises
- ICT in EFL classrooms
- Decolonial perspectives in ELT
- Digital ELT for the new generation
- Teaching English in difficult circumstances
- The use of homelanguage in EFL/ESL classrooms
- ELT in the South Asia: Promises, pedagogical issues and practices
- Well-being in ELT
- The flipped classroom
- English Teacher preparation
- Translation in ELT
- Agency and engagement in ELT
- Continuous assessment system
- ELT and Applied Linguistics in Diversity
- English for Special Purposes
- English for Academic Purposes
- The role of local languages in Englishrooms
- The contribution of local languages and culture to a holistic 21st-century curriculum
Kind of Deliberations
- Keynotes
- Plenaries
- Feature talks
- Workshops
- Presentations
Key Dates:
Conference Dates:20-21, April, 2024
Submission of Proposal (Deadline):15 March, 2024
Notification (Acceptance/Rejection): 20March,2024
Registration:25 Februaryonwards
Venue: Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu,
Proposal Submission
Proposals for individual presentations and panels must be received by March, 15, 2024.
Individual presentation (30mins.)
Group/Workshop (50 mins.)
Panel: (1 hour)
Proposal format
Title: Maximum 12-15 words
Abstract: 200-300 words
Presenter bio: Maximum 50 words
For Details, click:
Full conference paper submission for publication in Studies in ELT and Applied Linguistics, Journal of the Department of English Education(after the event): April21, 2024.